Baby Leggings Basic Pattern Calculator

Baby leggings pattern

Age group for the pattern 0-2 years old (56-92cm).

Instructions for using the pattern calculator:
* Add your measurements in the yellow cells from the "MEASUREMENTS" tab. The basic measurements needed for the pattern should be made by using the sketch from the same sheet and the measurement code (ex. A, B, C, etc.)
* Press button "Calculate"
* In the "RESULTS/INSTRUCTIONS" tab, the dimensions for the blocks will be computed automatically.
By following the steps from "RESULTS/INSTRUCTIONS" and the drawing you will be easily able to make your own pattern. Good luck!

Measurements Code Value
Child measurements
Line Value


W5 Square down and left from point W5.
W5-D5 13.5 Square left from point D5.
D5-F5 19.0 Square left from point F5.
D5-K5 9.5 Square left from point K5.
D5-1 12.0 Square up from point 1 and mark point W1.
1-D1 2.5
a 1.7 Bisector of the angle made by points D1, 1 and W1.
1-H1 4.5 Connect point W1-H1.
Join poins D1 and H1 with a curve, passing through the tip of the bisector a.
F5-F1 10 Square up from point F1 and mark point 2 on knee line.
2-K1 1.0 Connect point D1 and K1.
Draw a perpendicular of 0.25 cm on the midle of the segment D1-K1. Draw the front inside leg seam through points D1, tip of the perpendicular, K1 and F1. Straighten the line 2 cm above point F1.


D1-3 2
3-D 0.5
b 2.7 Bisector of the angle made by points D1, 1 and W1. Connect point D with the tip of bisector (b) and point H.
1-H 6.8
W1-4 2.0 Square up 2 cm from point 4 and mark point W. Join H-W.
K1-K 1.0 Connect points 15 and K.
F1-F 1.0
Draw a perpendicular of 0.4 cm on the midle of the segment D-K. Draw the back inside seam through points D, tip of the perpendicular, K and F. Straighten the line 2 cm above point F.
To complete the pattern copy the back and front shapes separately, mirror one of them and join together the two parts along the side seam W5-F5.
Baby leggings pattern
