Women Two-Piece Sleeve Basic Pattern Calculator

Women two-piece sleeve pattern

Learning how to make your own pattern has never been easier! If you want to become a true pattern maker without spending a lot of money on beginners sewing courses then you are in the right place. Buying or downloading a free women skirt pattern never offers you the perfect pattern for your body. Doesn't matter if you are a beginner or not, my 'Women Two-Piece Sleeve Basic Pattern Calculator', complete with step-by-step instructions and a detailed drawing will help ensure your quick success.

Instructions for using the pattern calculator:
* Add your measurements in the yellow cells from the "MEASUREMENTS" tab. The basic measurements needed for the pattern should be made by using the sketch from the same sheet and the measurement code (ex. A, B, C, etc.)
* Press button "Calculate"
* In the "RESULTS/INSTRUCTIONS" tab, the dimensions for the blocks will be computed automatically.
By following the steps from "RESULTS/INSTRUCTIONS" and the drawing you will be easily able to make your own pattern. Good luck!

Measurements Code Value

Garment measurements

Women measurements
Line Value
Square down from point S3.


S3-F3 64.3 Square across.
S3-E3 36.1 Square across.
S3-B3 17.5 Square right.
S3-1 55 Square across.
1-2 3.0 Square left.
1-A4 9.5
2-A3 11.5 With a curve connect points A3-A4-S3 (back sleeve head).
1-A6 9.0
B3-3 12.5 Square up.
3-4 5.0
4-A5 0.5 With a curve join points S3-A6-A5 (front sleeve head).
3-5 2.5
5-A51 0.5
3-B7 4.0 Square down and mark point 6 at finish line. Connect points A5-A51-B7 (armhole).
E3-E4 9.0
E3-E7 15.0
F3-F4 3.0 Connect points A3-E4-F4.
6-F7 2.0 Connect points B7-E7-F7.


A3-A31 6.0
B3-A2 2.0
3-B2 4.0 Square down and mark point 7. With o curve connect points A31-A2-B2.
E4-E41 2.0
F4-F41 1.5 Join points A31-E41-F41.
E7-E2 7.5
7-F2 1.0 Join points B2-E2-F2.
Women two-piece sleeve pattern
